Thursday, May 9, 2013

Movation - where does it stem from?

Short, yet sweet - Motivation.

There are numerous posters about it, people write books on it, speak about it in seminars, but my definition is based around changing, learning, and growing.

I think my motivation stemmed way back when I was tired, overweight, and not happy. I kept telling myself that I couldn't change, and that nothing would last.

Then I found Fitness and Music.

Music helped me through the emotional times, and Fitness helps tie in my emotional and physical motivations. I want to stay on this rock called Earth as long as possible, and through programs through Beachbody such as P90X, P90X2, Insanity, TurboFire and many others I find it possible to get through my day. Without a workout complete once a day, I get antsy and agitated. I have this pent up energy that I need to burn.

....some people choose to vent that energy through drama, stress, drinking, smoking, doing drugs, but I find it through Fitness. I have nothing against those listed forms, but I find them to be unhealthy. Find your Venting, I guess I would say. I know that health, wellness, and working out have gotten me not only the body/energy that I've always wanted, but also the happiness.

When I'm working out and my body says "No" but my mind says "You Can" that's where I find my motivation. That little inkling in your head that says, "You can keep on going" - that's where my motivation stems from.

Take it or leave it, that's what I think. Too many people put themselves down and not give themselves the chance to really change their future. They are stuck in their close-mindedness and they convince themselves that their dreams are not attainable.

I love the actor Will Smith and lately found this video of him talking about our words and thoughts having physical power: There you have it. Go for your dreams. Start acting upon what you want.

The only real person that is stopping from what you want is yourself.


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