Tuesday, February 18, 2014

...Did you remember to Floss?

Our reputation, our business, (fill in the gap of your passion here) is our Smile. It has to look good and last a long time, so upkeep and constant tuning are in order.

So you Brush, you Floss, and you use Mouthwash.
...sometimes just Mouthwash due to oversleeping/forgetting to Brush in the first place and you are in a rush.

You get your check-up by your Dentist, and they ask how's everything going?
...then you decide to say it all, be honest, say you've forgotten to upkeep on your Teeth, or you say you've been doing your best (which is an admirable thing to say - we all do our best, and that's just fine).

...but how do you reply when they ask, "How often do you Floss?"...

Yeah, you Brush, sometimes you have the time to really brush towards the back molars, but that fine-tuning of Flossing is so essential. Following up with people you haven't talked to in a while, growing personally/professionally everyday, plugging in and outlining your goals, etc. Whatever your Floss-work is, get out the Floss, and get crackin'. You'll feel better after you do, and what the heck, it might even become a habit of Success.

...so when you go back to your Partner/Upline/Mentor Dentist asks how you are,  you can proudly say you've effectively Flossed.

You want the dream Smile? Use those daily Tools to make others want and ask how they can have that Smile too.

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