Thursday, February 20, 2014

Multiplying your Approach to Multiplied Goals

Just starting a book by Grant Cardone called The 10X Rule.

Interesting stuff, and I just got past the intro/first 10 pages.

I thought to myself, how would you 10X your goals? Set up a system of having your goals multiplied by 10, and plan your schedule to prep for a 10X goal. Yeah, it seems like madness to reach for those goals, but he made a great point in the beginning of the book...

"A Person who limits his or her potential success will limit what he or she will do to create it and keep it."

I love reading books that have motivational sayings that really fire your plans in motion.
What goal will you 10X? I have a list, and I'm ready to multiply.

Pushing play on today's workout I decided to push the envelope with my rep counts, and I impressed myself with the results.

Keep pushing play (even a bit harder everyday) and you'll impress yourself with your resolve of pushing past the goals you originally set.

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