Thursday, February 20, 2014

Multiplying your Approach to Multiplied Goals

Just starting a book by Grant Cardone called The 10X Rule.

Interesting stuff, and I just got past the intro/first 10 pages.

I thought to myself, how would you 10X your goals? Set up a system of having your goals multiplied by 10, and plan your schedule to prep for a 10X goal. Yeah, it seems like madness to reach for those goals, but he made a great point in the beginning of the book...

"A Person who limits his or her potential success will limit what he or she will do to create it and keep it."

I love reading books that have motivational sayings that really fire your plans in motion.
What goal will you 10X? I have a list, and I'm ready to multiply.

Pushing play on today's workout I decided to push the envelope with my rep counts, and I impressed myself with the results.

Keep pushing play (even a bit harder everyday) and you'll impress yourself with your resolve of pushing past the goals you originally set.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

...Did you remember to Floss?

Our reputation, our business, (fill in the gap of your passion here) is our Smile. It has to look good and last a long time, so upkeep and constant tuning are in order.

So you Brush, you Floss, and you use Mouthwash.
...sometimes just Mouthwash due to oversleeping/forgetting to Brush in the first place and you are in a rush.

You get your check-up by your Dentist, and they ask how's everything going?
...then you decide to say it all, be honest, say you've forgotten to upkeep on your Teeth, or you say you've been doing your best (which is an admirable thing to say - we all do our best, and that's just fine).

...but how do you reply when they ask, "How often do you Floss?"...

Yeah, you Brush, sometimes you have the time to really brush towards the back molars, but that fine-tuning of Flossing is so essential. Following up with people you haven't talked to in a while, growing personally/professionally everyday, plugging in and outlining your goals, etc. Whatever your Floss-work is, get out the Floss, and get crackin'. You'll feel better after you do, and what the heck, it might even become a habit of Success. when you go back to your Partner/Upline/Mentor Dentist asks how you are,  you can proudly say you've effectively Flossed.

You want the dream Smile? Use those daily Tools to make others want and ask how they can have that Smile too.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Good Motivator

Working out with others is fun - completely being honest here.

Not only do you get to workout with those that you enjoy being with, you can possibly push each other to do better.

Today I worked out with not only my best friend, but also my motivation to keep Pushing Play.

I need to remind myself everyday that if I want to see change, the best tool to find the person who can really make that change happen is a mirror - you can instantly find that person who can make the changes you want to see in yourself, your family, and your world.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Lesson

 The Universe has a funny way of teaching lessons...

Just recently got news that I didn't want to hear, and at first I was very upset; frustrated, confused, out-of-sorts. It usually wouldn't have bothered me so much, but it did because it is a part of one of my passions: Music.

All the hard work and "Everything-that-I-gave"-ness seemed worthless and for nothing.

I fought back and forth trying to micro-manage thoughts - "Ok, what could I have done different?", "Did I screw up something I shouldn't have?", etc...etc...

Then, I stopped mid-thought and asked myself, "What did I learn from this?"''

I read a ton of self-help, motivational books, time management and other various subjects of that field and now was the time to put those words to the test.

Looking at the package that I picked up on the way in the house, I kept thinking that thought...

...what did I learn from this?...

...and it came to me when I opened up the package - a book that I received entitled The Big Picture.

No one knows why things happen to them, varying of goods and bads - it's all a part of the Big Picture. All along the way you can either A) try to figure it all out, back track, outline, and get really frustrated in the process, or choose the other route:

B) Enjoy every moment as it happens, and move on.

Looking back at the past week, I had some awesome experiences, met some fantastic people, and especially some that I look forward into growing great friendships with.

Anytime an experience comes your way that totally knocks the breath out of you, ask yourself:
"What did I learn from this?" - dwell on the good times, great people, and fantastic things you learned from it, and keep moving onto your next goal.

Who knows? Maybe the bigger, better thing was in the way of the current project you wanted to be a part of now - no one can see into the future.

Enjoy the Now - and appreciate it.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Play willing to Push it?

Everyday is a Physical/Mental/Spiritual challenge to workout and make the time for my Fitness.

Some days are easier to hit that Play Button, and other days when Life happens it gets really really tempting to avoid that Play button for later, sometimes never (until tomorrow, next few days, and the spiral continues) have to ask yourself though, Who are you playing the Button for?

- If for yourself alone, it is not enough.
- If for a certain event in time, it is not enough.
- If for a certain number or achievement of weight/life goals, you are on the right track. reason though, is deciding that Play Button is for someone else. Family, Friends, Spouse/Partner, Loved ones, future Children, etc.

The more you make that Play Button about pushing yourself for more time/energy with loved ones and more experiences with them, those days you want to avoid pushing the Button will call to action the reasons of Why you decided to start in the first place.

~Keep pushing Play~

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Be a Product or your Passion

Make it a goal everyday to share your Passion - if you continue to do so, authentically, you will be looked at as an expert in that given subject.

People will look for you for knowledge, inspiration, (and given my fields of passion) and maybe some motivation.

Keep pushing play on your passions, because when you do your passion, you are living life.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Why I'm excited

Why I'm excited:
-Auditioning tomorrow for a show that really means something to me
-Best shape of my life
-About to start an accountability group that I'm really really really freakin' stoked to be a part of
-I'm inspiring others to get off their butt and get going on their fitness/life goals

...and I used to be worried about what others thought about me, what I did, etc.

I found out that when I stopped caring and started doing, I not only got more things done and accomplished more things on my list, but I also got more out of life.

Here's to pushing play - now toast with a glass of water! (or a sip of wine, sure, go ahead, have A drink)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Take time for you

Short, sweet - take time for You.

yes, shut off the phone/tv/computer/noise from the world and sit ---- in silence.

Breathe and focus just on your breath.

Don't fret about what you're going to have to do today, tomorrow, next week - AAAHH!! Shut those thoughts off and focus on you.

How long? At least 10-15 minutes a day. Silence the world around you so you can hone and focus in on yourself. You might be pleasantly surprised how calm you become by doing this simple thing.

Friday, February 7, 2014

A Scientific Approach to Failure

Below is a straight-copy from the blog of James Clear - I mean no copyright, only to spread this awesome idea of looking at Failure:

Treat Failure Like a Scientist

When a scientist runs an experiment, there are all sorts of results that could happen. Some results are positive and some are negative, but all of them are data points. Each result is a piece of data that can ultimately lead to an answer.
And that’s exactly how a scientist treats failure: as another data point.
This is much different than how society often talks about failure. For most of us, failure feels like an indication of who we are as a person.
Failing a test means you’re not smart enough. Failing to get fit means you’re undesirable. Failing in business means you don’t have what it takes. Failing at art means you’re not creative. And so on.
But for the scientist, a negative result is not an indication that they are a bad scientist. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Proving a hypothesis wrong is often just as useful as proving it right because you learned something along the way.
Your failures are simply data points that can help lead you to the right answer.

Failure is the Cost You Pay to be Right

None of this is to say that you should seek to make mistakes or that failing is fun. Obviously, you’ll try to do things the right way. And failing on something that is important to you is never fun.
But failure will always be part of your growth for one simple reason…
If you’re focused on building a new habit or learning a new skill or mastering a craft of any type, then you’re basically experimenting in one way or another. And if you run enough experiments, then sometimes you’re going to get a negative result.
It happens to every scientist and it will happen to you and I as well. To paraphrase Seth Godin: Failure is simply a cost you have to pay on the way to being right.
Treat failure like a scientist. Your failures are not you. Your successes are not you. They are simply data points that help guide the next experiment.

...this is all a part of his blog/website/tools/e-newsletters - great stuff to learn and grow from.

Seeking for Meaning

Looking for your Purpose? Reading up on books, listening to audio, talking to others and getting their thoughts, etc?

Don't get me wrong; those are avenues  you can take and there are a multitude of material out there to tap into. about this...
(I'll be quoting some quotes but I didn't find the person who summarized these things)

When you wake up and you don't find yourself excited to pick up where you left your work yesterday, you probably haven't found your calling.

Remember to keep your dreams in the forefront of your mind - visualization is crucial to goal achieving. Your Dreams express what your soul is telling you, so as crazy as it may seem -- listen to what your Dreams are telling you.

Find your passion and Grow into it - spend 15-20 minutes a day working/reading/growing into it. Since time is our non-refundable currency in this world, you might as well allocate it to your passion; squeeze the most out of that time you have to give.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Position or Choice: What are you going to do?

Watched a fantastic video this morning by Simon Sinek: Why Leaders Eat Last.

A great talk (and if you make the time to watch) and great takeaways if you have a pen/paper (which you need to do):

Talking about chemicals that drive ourselves in this world in this video, the one that really stands out is oxytocin: the feelings of safety, trust, and love. We get throse through physical contact (hugging, shaking of hands) or acts of generosity does not work as true Generosity...

It's our Time and Energy that matter: the one form of currency that once we spend it, we can't get a refund.

I do not have the Title of Fitness/Life Coach for the enjoyment of "Position". That's crap.

I Choose to be a Fitness/Life Coach because I want to give my time and energy to those that want to change their lives through working out and eating right. I Choose to help others achieve what they think is unachievable.

Believe me, if you let yourself be vulnerable with me, we can achieve great things. All you need to do is start taking steps rather than always "planning" steps to get where you want to go.

Planning is nice; action is desperately needed to turn Dreams into Deadlines.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


People who have titles but don't take the time to develop their skill sets within their profession, are Posers.

Leaders must have that never-ending drive to improve themselves and others otherwise their successes will only be re-played in their imaginations of past achievements.

Leaders can plan for the future, but if they don't live in the Now moment and go at a speed that is inspiring, tiring and motivational to others, they run the danger of driving their persona into the town of Poser-ville.

"A Leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."
-John C. Maxwell

Monday, February 3, 2014

If the Shoe Fits...

Too many coaches/leaders out there are telling great advice to follow, good tips to use, great techniques to use time management skills, etc. question to those leaders: are you following the same advice?

Be your own Follow-the-Leader; that way as you are showing others how to grow, you are growing yourself.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

It's about Nutrition, not Weight Loss

We've been under the misconception that meal replacement shakes are about weight loss and not about nutrition - I think that Nutrition is key.

I know Fitness is 20% Exercise and 80% Nutrition - I get my nutrition through Shakeology, and I don't care what others say about it (scam, too expensive, don't have the time, not good, blah, blah...) - it helps me with:
Nutrition (get all of my vitamins/minerals for the day)
Curbs the cravings of sweets
Expanding my palate (over 70+ super-nutrient materials from around the world that are great for you).

So, I get all of that in one meal, it takes 5-10 minutes to make, and I feel like a frickin' rockstar after having it. So yes, the money is worth it because I know I'm investing in myself.

The one thing that I truly believe is people need to have a reality check and know that if they aren't feeding the body with the things it really craves (and let me tell you 70% of food products out there are not giving the nutrition your body really needs), I don't care what diet/workout program you're on: you won't achieve your Fitness Goals.