Thursday, July 16, 2015

When is the time to begin?

We all say, "Well, I'm trying to..." "When I have time to..." "Let's plan that..."

Recently I had a small awakening within, because I myself like to plan. I like to plan events, plan workouts, plan things but never really get around to it. 

Do you ever plan for something and it rarely goes according "to plan"? Do you get frustrated because of what you set up really didn't go the way you wanted?

We have to let to of the notion that we are in complete control - we can fight it, sure, but that only leads to stress and pent up energy spent in the wrong time. We can't bring back the past, nor can we truly plan according to what we call our "future". The only time we can have the full attention to appreciate is right NOW.

So, according to my "plans", I must let go of complete control, live by the Divine Love gifted to me, and instead of going and creating a plan, how about just go and create? 

...sounds more fun when you ponder it, huh? :)


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Where our True Passion Lies and how to work towards Passionate Success

When I talk to people about finding their dream job, I first ask "What are you really passionate about?"

Usually they would respond with a great answer, but it trails a certain "I shouldn't say this" kind of tone. They've been conditioned to believe that their dreams are only just that.

Held by fear, sustained by "Reality". Here's Reality. What's your Passion? What drives you? If you would wake up one day and realize that you would get paid to do your Passion on a day to day basis how would you feel? Imagine a day in the life of your Dream Job.

The trick of turning that Dream Job into Reality Job is to set a plan. Like I heard once in a seminar (I apologize for not remembering who said this): "A Dream without a Plan is a Wish".

Set a plan. What's your Goal? Work from Z-A, not A-Z. Set the title of what you want in Life, and work the steps backward. Then look at step A and begin. Now. Make little steps so later you will look back and realize you've made great advancements with daily success as your motivation.

If you need help forming a plan, myself as a Life/Wellness Coach can guide you to solutions for your personal and professional goals. I'm only a comment/email/message away.

So how do you work towards Passionate Success? First, set up your plan. Then, actually do it. Don't "Try"
...Well, I'm trying to get this, or trying to achieve that, etc. Just start doing it. If you make a mistake, so what? You're not the only person in this world who has made a mistake.

Start today. Start Now.

Monday, July 21, 2014

A new Venture

Yup - my work load is going to be fun and interesting all at the same time:
Fitness/Wellness Coach
Vocal Coach
Lifetime Supervisor
Vocal Director

...will let you all know if I'll survive that!

In health,
Brandon S.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ready to Push It

Going over my schedule, I start thinking: "Woah, I'm going to get busier this month..."

....excuses start to build up, reasons why I should back down, get more rest, blah, blah, blah...

but then, my inner coach snapped me out of it by saying,

"Do you want success? If so, then you need to keep pushing it - more and more everyday."

I'm super pumped for the next following months - I'm planning to make more steps every day, week, month, year to get going on my goals and helping others to get going on theirs.

If you are one of those people that need a push in Fitness/Goals, please reach out to me! I'm easily found on social media (Facebook especially) I can help prioritize your goals and help you refine steps so you can have success in Fitness/Life!

In health,
Brandon Shostak

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Because I Can

Yesterday I had a really great meeting and discussed our passions, and it got me thinking:

When someone asks me at work, out among social gatherings, etc, why I do the things I do, all this time my answer should've been: Because I Can.

If we're given this life to make something of it, then why not make as much Creative Noise/Attention to put a dent in this world? So many people are being static, hate their jobs, don't have good health at all, (insert excuse/crappy reason here), and they do nothing about it.

If it's medical, psychological, that's a different story - I'm talking to those that make a decision to do nothing about their goals.

Here's a tip from me to you: Start writing down daily things you are going to make time for. Make 6 roles that you are (ie: Husband, Coach, Musician/Performer, Lifetime Team Member, Brother, Son are mine in order from highest to lowest on my priority list).

If you get asked to do something/opportunity comes your way, compare it to your priorities/roles that you have. If they conflict, your answer is easy: No.

Work on your goals, but work them in a smart way.

All in all, be one of those people that will put a Creative Dent in this world.

Why? Because You Can.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Multiplying your Approach to Multiplied Goals

Just starting a book by Grant Cardone called The 10X Rule.

Interesting stuff, and I just got past the intro/first 10 pages.

I thought to myself, how would you 10X your goals? Set up a system of having your goals multiplied by 10, and plan your schedule to prep for a 10X goal. Yeah, it seems like madness to reach for those goals, but he made a great point in the beginning of the book...

"A Person who limits his or her potential success will limit what he or she will do to create it and keep it."

I love reading books that have motivational sayings that really fire your plans in motion.
What goal will you 10X? I have a list, and I'm ready to multiply.

Pushing play on today's workout I decided to push the envelope with my rep counts, and I impressed myself with the results.

Keep pushing play (even a bit harder everyday) and you'll impress yourself with your resolve of pushing past the goals you originally set.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

...Did you remember to Floss?

Our reputation, our business, (fill in the gap of your passion here) is our Smile. It has to look good and last a long time, so upkeep and constant tuning are in order.

So you Brush, you Floss, and you use Mouthwash.
...sometimes just Mouthwash due to oversleeping/forgetting to Brush in the first place and you are in a rush.

You get your check-up by your Dentist, and they ask how's everything going?
...then you decide to say it all, be honest, say you've forgotten to upkeep on your Teeth, or you say you've been doing your best (which is an admirable thing to say - we all do our best, and that's just fine).

...but how do you reply when they ask, "How often do you Floss?"...

Yeah, you Brush, sometimes you have the time to really brush towards the back molars, but that fine-tuning of Flossing is so essential. Following up with people you haven't talked to in a while, growing personally/professionally everyday, plugging in and outlining your goals, etc. Whatever your Floss-work is, get out the Floss, and get crackin'. You'll feel better after you do, and what the heck, it might even become a habit of Success. when you go back to your Partner/Upline/Mentor Dentist asks how you are,  you can proudly say you've effectively Flossed.

You want the dream Smile? Use those daily Tools to make others want and ask how they can have that Smile too.